
The Evolution of PHP Frameworks: Laravel vs. Symfony

As someone who has dedicated over 16 years to backend software engineering, PHP has been an integral part of my journey. Two of its shining stars in the realm of frameworks are Laravel and Symfony. Both have their own strengths, character, and flair. Let’s dive into a deeper comparison of these two titans.

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Part 2: Setup a SPA reactjs frontend with hot reloading for development

Previously, in part 1 we went through building a very effective development environment using docker and achieved:

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Part 1: Setup a dockerized Symfony backend app with ReactJs for frontend with hotloading enabled

As part of my work, I need to build backend services and attach it to frontend, and for this I use docker containers docker-compose to make life easier during development.

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How to make use of Makefile to shorthand long commands

I like automation and none repetitive tasks, also, I don’t like to write too much when it comes to handling with cli commands. And, since I work much with docker in my projects, either backend or frontend and specially docker-compose, I spend extra time writing and thinking about the command I would like to run inside my container, so, let’s say I would like to run a simple composer install so this will result in typing

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Dealing with CORS Errors in React two ways

It is always a problem when working with reactjs or any other frontend js framework in local development specially when connected to a backend api, is that you get No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. and you go crazy about the cause of the issue.

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Should repositories throw exceptions ?

Recently, I have been practicing separating the infrastructure layer in the projects I work or contribute to, from the rest of the application by using/writing repository classes. Which in turn consumed by the application services to read and/or write to the data models.

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Tips & tricks: Sync VS-Code extensions list, editor settings and add it to source control.

As a back-end developer, PHP focused, I use PhpStorm as my favorite IDE, because of all its powerful features list, beside that I have my own personal preferred UI customization settings that I apply like color theme, font and code templates. And since it is my personal customization, I use a PhpStorm feature to either sync the settings to my JetBrains account or you can export them and you manage that yourself, and I do that because I have invested a lot of time, finding the perfect font, theme color and settings to increase my productivity with code templates adjustments and make it comfortable for myself and eye since I spend on it a lot of time.

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Managing multiple ssh keys

Usually when joining a new work place you are asked to provide your public ssh key to get access to all the private organization repositories. And after sometime, I came to the conclusion that I want to separate between work and personal ssh keys, and I want to achieve that in an easy, hassle free way from the same computer.

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